Upstream Ventures' global network is an essential ingredient to the success of our ventures, as it extends the scope of resources available to the company across all stages of its lifecycle. Our network spans Asia, Europe and the USA, and includes organisations of the highest caliber across academia, research institutes & incubators, professional associations, financial institutions and multinationals. Some of our key relationships include:

Since 1988, CEFRIEL (Milan, Italy) has been a major center for innovation in the field of Information and Communication Technology. With its research, innovation and education activities CEFRIEL conceives, develops and transfers new ICT paradigms to industries and public organizations. CEFRIEL crafts innovative solutions by leveraging a unique combination of multidisciplinary competences that go even beyond the pure ICT domain to embrace Design, Urban Mobility, Energy and Environment. With a human capital of 130 full-time professionals and the contribution of more than 100 academics, industrial residents and post-graduate students, CEFRIEL is a reference body of knowledge in Europe.
China Business Angel Network |
China Business Angel Network (CBAN) was established in December 2007 by a group of angel investors based in Beijing, China in order to bring an alternative source of funding, business expertise and ‘hands-on’ assistance to promising early stage companies in China. CBAN aspires to be the first organised angel investors network in China.
CBAN members actively participate at CBAN’s activities, be it in generating deal flow, or screening business plans, or participating at start-up presentation events. CBAN members invest individually, at their discretion, when and where they choose. CBAN activities include monthly start-up presentation events; the start-ups are selected by CBAN’s Screening Committee from the pool of business plans that are being submitted to CBAN by the various entrepreneurs. CBAN is affiliated and has an active collaboration with the Business Angel Network South-East Asia (BANSEA).
Expara |
Expara is a venture creation company founded in Singapore in 2003. Expara develops and teaches entrepreneurship and innovation through experiential-exercise-based learning programs for entrepreneurs, start-ups, companies and public institutions in Asia. Expara's mission is help build scalable value-innovation-driven ventures.
- Expara IDM Ventures: Expara manages a virtual business accelerator under the Singapore MDA’s iJam Programme, providing pre-seed investments and advisory services for start-ups with breakthrough ideas in the interactive and digital media space.
- Expara publishes the following useful guide with support from the Singapore Media Development Authority: Media Entrepreneurs Guide to Singapore
Extream Ventures |
Established in 2009 in Singapore, Extream Ventures is a VC fund focused on early-stage venture creation by providing funding, expertise and networks to emerging technology companies in Singapore. We back outstanding teams that have the vision and discipline to build high-growth enterprises targeting Asian and global markets in sectors such as communications, Internet, IT software & solutions, IDM and semiconductors.
Extream’s operationally-focused team is committed to driving value by working closely with each new venture to accelerate growth and market leadership. The versatility of our hands-on approach is a result of the team’s diverse yet complementary mix of start-up, corporate and international business expertise.The team has been investing in early-stage companies in Singapore for over 8 years. Extream Ventures is funded in part by the Singapore Government's National Research Foundation. |
As one of the world’s leading and largest graduate business schools, INSEAD brings together people, cultures and ideas from around the world to change lives and transform organizations. The unique global perspective and multicultural diversity of INSEAD are reflected in all aspects of its research and teaching. Currently, at the school’s two comprehensive and fully connected campuses in Asia (Singapore) and Europe (France), faculty conduct leading edge research projects with the support of 12 Centres of Excellence. The INSEAD-Wharton Alliance extends the reach of INSEAD business education and research across three continents.
Media Development Authority (MDA) |
The Media Development Authority (MDA) has been created to focus on and develop the media industry, putting Singapore at the forefront of the media age. The MDA has a dual-function role that contributes to developing Singapore into a vibrant global media city as well as a creative economy and a connected society. The first is to promote the growth of the media industry. The second is to manage content to protect core values and safeguard consumers' interests. The raison d'etre of the MDA is to develop Singapore into a vibrant global city so as to foster a creative economy and connected society.
Mentor Partners |
Mentor Partners (Bangalore, India) helps turn ideas into successful companies. By building an ecosystem around the Indian entrepreneur, Mentor Partners nurtures young companies and brings them to the world stage. Mentor Partners brings the knowledge of how to build product/IP based technology companies, as well as access to financing and customers, to young entrepreneurs.
Microsoft BizSpark |
BizSpark is an innovative new program that unites startups with global entrepreneurial and technology resource in one community, with a common goal of supporting and accelerating the success of a new generation of high-potential Startups. BizSpark is uniquely designed to help Startups engaged in software development to jump-start their business, by:
- Providing them with “express access” to Microsoft tools and technologies, for their immediate use in design, development, testing, demonstration, and hosted application production and deployment; and
- Connecting them with Network Partners and a united, global community of resources designed to support them.
Singapore Economic Development Board (EDB) |
The Singapore Economic Development Board (EDB) is the lead agency that plans and executes strategies to sustain Singapore as a compelling global hub for business and investment. Set up in 1961, EDB acts as catalyst and facilitator to nurture a vibrant, self-sustaining enterprise ecosystem, creating a conducive environment for startups and companies of all sizes. The Board works closely with other agencies to promote innovation and develop human, intellectual, financial and cultural capital in Singapore.
Start-up Enterprise Development Scheme (SEEDS) |
Launched in 2001, the Startup Enterprise Development Scheme (SEEDS) is an S$80 million equity finance fund for startups and new businesses. Funds are matched with investments made by third party investors. The program has funded over 150 companies spanning a wide spectrum of industries including IT, biotechnology, electronics and e-commerce, media and communications, and nanotechnology. The SEEDS Partner Initiative aims to strengthen the working arrangements with co-investors, to respond to opportunities efficiently and nurture investee companies more effectively. Upstream Ventures was named a SEEDS Partner in October 2003.
Torino Wireless |
Torino Wireless (Torino, Italy) was established in December 2003 under a funding agreement from the Italian Government and a variety of public and private organisations, including Fiat, Motorola and Telecom Italia. It aims to coordinate and foster the ICT contribution of the regional economy, positioning the Piemonte Region as the most innovative ICT cluster at an international level. Torino Wireless, together with Ersel, is the promoter of Innogest Capital, one of the largest early stage funds in Italy dedicated to enterprises with high growth potential.